ATVs are a great way to get your kids outdoors and enjoy themselves. However, when they stop working, it can be frustrating for everyone involved. In this blog post, we will discuss 11 common reasons why ATVs aren’t starting and what you can do to fix them!
Problems with the Battery
One of the most common reasons an ATV won’t start is an issue with the battery. If your child’s ATV is having trouble starting, it could be because the battery needs to be replaced or recharged. You can check the battery by opening up the seat and taking a look. If it looks damaged or corrupted, then it will need to be replaced. If it doesn’t look damaged, then you can try charging it with a trickle charger overnight.
1. Overcharged or Undercharged Battery
If you’ve charged the battery but the ATV still isn’t starting, it could be that the battery was overcharged or undercharged. An overcharged battery can cause damage to the cells, and an undercharged battery won’t have enough power to start the engine. To fix this issue, you’ll need to take the battery to a professional who can test it and give it a proper charge.
2. Tripped Thermal Fuse
If your ATV has a tripped thermal fuse, the engine is overheating. This can happen if the ATV is used in hot weather or if it’s been running for a long time without a break. To fix this issue, you’ll need to let the ATV cool down for at least an hour before starting it again. If the fuse continues to trip, you’ll need to take the ATV to a mechanic to check it out.
Engine Issues
If the battery of your ATV is fine, it’s time to move to the engine. Similar to battery issues, an issue with your ATV’s engine would render the ATV unstartable until further repairs are made. Here are some of the most common engine issues with an ATV:
- Clogged Air Filter: A clogged air filter can result from either riding in dusty conditions or simply not changing the air filter often enough. A clogged air filter will restrict airflow to the engine, causing it to run lean and eventually overheat.
- Dirty Spark Plugs: Dirty spark plugs are another common issue that can cause an ATV engine to fail. Over time, carbon deposits can build up on the spark plugs, preventing them from firing correctly. This will cause a loss of power and eventually lead to the engine stalling.
- Low Oil Level: If the oil level in your ATV’s engine is low, it can cause serious damage. Low oil levels can lead to overheating, as well as the seizure of the engine components.
- Over-Fueled ATV Carburetor: An over-fueled ATV carburetor can cause several problems, including engine stalling, loss of power, and flooding. If you suspect that your carburetor is over-fueled, you’ll need to take it to a mechanic to have it adjusted.
- Cold Engine: Starting a cold engine can be difficult, especially if the temperature is below freezing. If your ATV doesn’t start in cold weather, it could be because the oil is too thick to flow properly. To fix this issue, you’ll need to add a thinner oil to the engine or use an electric heater to warm it up before starting.
ATV Runs for a While and Stops
The problem with ATVs is not limited to failure to start. Most ATVs will run for a while, a minute or two, and then come to a complete halt. The same process repeats every time you start the ATV. These can happen because of the following reasons:
- Failing to adjust the choke: The choke on an ATV is a device that helps to regulate the amount of air and fuel mixture that goes into the engine. If the choke is not adjusted properly, it can cause the ATV to run for a while and then stop abruptly.
- Tight gas cap: A gas cap not screwed on tightly enough can also cause the ATV to run for a while and then stop abruptly. This is because the fuel system cannot build up enough pressure, causing the fuel mixture to be lean and resulting in engine stoppage.
- Water in the gas: If there is water, it can cause the ATV to run for a while and then stop abruptly. Water will mix with the gasoline and form a gel-like substance that can clog up the carburetor or fuel injectors, causing engine failure.
- Coil Failures: The coil is responsible for providing the spark that ignites the fuel mixture in the engine. If the coil fails, there will be no spark, and the ATV will not start.
- Dirty air filter: A dirty air filter can cause the ATV to run for a while and then stop abruptly. The dirt and debris can clog up the carburetor or fuel injectors, causing engine failure.
- Lose kill switch cover: The kill switch cover is responsible for keeping the kill switch in the ON position. If the cover is loose, it can cause the ATV to run for a while and then stop abruptly.
The above content provides a detailed explanation of some of the most common reasons why ATVs fail to start or run properly. You can get your ATV up and running again in no time by troubleshooting the issues and making the necessary repairs. However, these are not the only problems you might have in an ATV. If you run into a problem that you can’t put your finger on, talk to a professional.